Download Microsoft Original Copy Software (UTM)

If you're current undergraduate here in UTM, you are benefited to enjoy full original copy of Microsoft Software.
All can be downloaded from here

Of course, the download of the software here require authorized user to login with their ID and PASSWORD which you can get from the mail box of Microsoft-UTM cooperating account.

Login into hotmail with:
Your IC Number

*"YourGivenID" is the ID you always used to access elearning.

After logged into your personal account, you'd see received email(s) your mailbox, one of it have another given ID and Password.
These are the key you must have to access the download of Original Microsoft Software from the webpage above.

Enjoy~ ^^

MBTI 人格测试

最近通过启点文化认识了MBTI人格测试的工具。 原以为人类就是那么的无法预测,了解过MBTI之后才发现人类的性格老早被荣格在100年前的人格类型论给说明了。(MBTI并非荣格研发的,但是两者的概念有所相似) MBTI把人类分解为16种不同的人格类型。主要分为以下四个“倾向”: E...