Download Microsoft Original Copy Software (UTM)

If you're current undergraduate here in UTM, you are benefited to enjoy full original copy of Microsoft Software.
All can be downloaded from here

Of course, the download of the software here require authorized user to login with their ID and PASSWORD which you can get from the mail box of Microsoft-UTM cooperating account.

Login into hotmail with:
Your IC Number

*"YourGivenID" is the ID you always used to access elearning.

After logged into your personal account, you'd see received email(s) your mailbox, one of it have another given ID and Password.
These are the key you must have to access the download of Original Microsoft Software from the webpage above.

Enjoy~ ^^


从小,男人就被训练成“没有情绪的生物”。 如果在外表现出“多余的”情绪,就会被贴上 软弱、不够男人 的标签。所以,为了生存,男孩们学会了忽视自己的感受,与情绪保持距离。久而久之,他们成为了一个习惯性忽略自己内心波动的群体。 不仅对自己的情绪缺乏关注,甚至对别人的情绪也难以共鸣。更...