话中有话,听起来感觉刺刺的 - 被动攻击 Passive Aggresive

 有时候跟人说话突然觉得一个人的意思并不明显,别人吐出一句说起来仿佛合时宜可是听起来感觉被讽刺。 —— 被动式攻击



1. 发生在一对情侣身上的:点餐记



2. 再来个例子:挂念记



3. 话中有话








1. 价值观

2. 人生观

3. 世界观




价值观可以笼统的概括为对金钱的看待、家务是否是等情况到了糟糕的程度才舍得动手还是固定时间会进行、对特定的事情拖延的状态、对如何好好利用时间的心态、再或者对玩乐的追求状态…… 这些价值观上弱出现的差异,将会折磨夫妻一直到没完没了。因为双方不会知道问题出现在价值观,并非是谁的方式比较对/错。



“算了吧反正自己都无法胜任,不必浪费精力” vs “事情很有挑战性,非把事情搞清楚解决不可!”













5 - 10分钟。





What should Microwave beginner owner know!

 The list below is order by priority of importance, always beware the one listed at the top!

I as a microwave first-timer, I've learnt some lessons through the hard way, but I got lucky as thing didn't turn out to be disastrous.

Don't microwave egg if you are not sure! It can explodes inside your microwave

If you are cooking egg, must make sure you are not cooking the whole raw egg (no matter it's in shell or unshelled), the egg yolk inside look and feel soft, but it can explodes and shatter glasses utensil next to it. 

Same as above, but it can still explode outside (if it isn't explode inside the MW)

If get lucky, the egg yolk may not explode get too hot from MW, but it's a silent before the storm. The egg yolk can still explode after you open your MW door and thing can get messy or worse, it can seriously hurt you if you stick your eye looking into the cooked egg.

Reason: after MW-ing, the vibration that generating heat inside the food won't just gone missing instantly, some of it will remain for few more seconds and still able to heat up the food, and this is what can cause "food explosion" even after you remove the egg from your MV.


If you try, you'll see spark when you accidentally MW with metal, even a little metal. The spark could possibly become fire and turn your MW into firecracker show in your kitchen if you microwaving metal with highest power.

Not every glass made for Microwave cooking 

Yes, microwave cooking with weak glass can cause unwanted kitchen tragic. Not every glass made the same, you need to check if your utensil is "Microwave safe". 

I was so stubborn at this point, until I broke a few non-microwave safe glass cups and plates.

Extra personal note: Even though some plastic-made container labeled as "microwave safe", but I still believe glass-made container/utensil is still a healthier way to prepare your meal in microwave. We can't measure how much unknown plastic material has dissolved in the food consumed in the plastic-made container.

Speaking about glass-range container, Decor product has been my all-time favorite food storage container.

Microwave is for "Heating up" food, and less suitable for "cooking"

In short, you'll need an oven if you want to really cook a tasty food. You don't cook drumstick with MW, you roast it with oven where it generate and circulate heat around to cook it.

The concept of microwave is different, it use wave to vibrate water molecules in the food rapidly to generate heat. 
MW is exist to heat up your food quickly and so you can enjoy it within a few seconds to minutes.

Food become hard after microwaved

So just don't leave your food get cold again after MW cooked. As stated in the last point, once water molecule heated up and vaporised, the water is actually extracted from the food. A soft chicken would then easily turn into a piece of hard stone.

The video above is a good example of what could happen when you have not learned the concept of how microwave works (even instruction followed exactly without aberration).

In worst case, the baozi could start burning with real fire around it right inside your microwave.

Lower Quantity of Confirmed Covid Case Giving Us a false sense of hope

Since early this year, Malaysia quantity of Covid case has risen to highest 5k++ per day, the quantity of confirmed case has now marked lowest since the peak day of 5k++ cases.

But what does the lower number means to us?

The lower confirmed quantity of cases doesn't reflect the covid situation, and it does not show if the situation is improving. Since 16 Feb, quantity of covid tests performed has been become lower from 40k-60k to today's 27k per day.

Test quantity 40k++ since 16th Feb 2021

The quantity of confirmed covid case of 1,529 doesn't reflect if the situation is improving. The number can be obviously affecting the number of confirmed case outcome.

1,529 confirmed covid cases

From the tables below, today's infectivity rate of 5.5% is still about the same as in January where we had daily 3k above of confirmed cases. With this rate figure is a better way to get the public informed about the level of severity. People tend to feel relieved when they see the 1,529 figure while the severity remain the same as when we have daily confirmed cases exceed 3k.

Confirmed case (25th Jan - 14th Feb)

Confirmed case (18th Feb - 8th Mac)

Nowadays, vaccine has just arrived 2 weeks ago, vaccination has been started for frontliner, there is still a long wait before the public can get access get inoculated.

Nobody can clearly see who or which group of people get the vaccination first (we know those politicians has quickly get themselves inoculated with the 98% effective pfizer vaccine), and we the public could only know who get vaccinated from the news. For those aren't reported by the news media, nobody know how many vaccine left and how many are still not vaccinated yet.

No sign of action from current ruling party to make thing transparent...

However, all school has now mostly reopened, and I has no idea how they decide to reopen school while the daily confirmed case remain so high. There is no clear indicator showing us in regards to how is the vaccination progress doing... How many percent of Malaysian has been inoculated?

OK, now school reopened, parents are happy because their children can now leave them and they finally get to breath peacefully (phew... kid is annoying......?). Company start rushing employee back to work in the office. People tend have day out forming unnecessary crowd in the public in relief and believing arrival of vaccine solve the pandemic, treating it like pandemic has over.

The public hasn't been educated enough about what it means by "vaccine has arrived in Malaysia".

The public is concerned about not be able to get the pfizer vaccine, and they pray hard they are not getting the China vaccine, because they're not confident with it.

What has Perikatan Nasional done about this? 

Me as a normal citizen has no idea what this group of people are doing, all we all can see is they are siphoning resources off our tax payer pocket. For eg, able to go on-leave and fly to New Zealand for visiting family during travel restriction and full lockdown (MCO) where none can leave house more than 10km or be fined with RM1,000 (and RM10,000 starting 11th March), frontliner can't get on-leave to defend the covid tragedy.

55-days leave visiting children in New Zealand


从小,男人就被训练成“没有情绪的生物”。 如果在外表现出“多余的”情绪,就会被贴上 软弱、不够男人 的标签。所以,为了生存,男孩们学会了忽视自己的感受,与情绪保持距离。久而久之,他们成为了一个习惯性忽略自己内心波动的群体。 不仅对自己的情绪缺乏关注,甚至对别人的情绪也难以共鸣。更...