The Making of Lime + Plum Syrup

I like to make fruit jiuce by myself at home...
Because it's much cheaper than buy the drink from outside... haha...
This drink need lime, plum, plain water, and ice cube(optional).

Cut lime into half...Squeeze it to drip its lime juice...Prepare your plum...Add into the squeezed lime juice...Add with water(amount of water: as you like..)Ready to serve...One of my favourite drink...
Lime + Plum syrup. ^^

Complete album single ape format file into files

Do you have any ape music album file needed to be split into every single song files inside the album?

Here is a recommended cue splitter freeware.
Cue splitter can be downloaded from here.
But when using this program, and if you never been using Monkey's Audio before, you'll usually find this problem:
Which ask for a newer version of macdll.dll file. Of course you can easily found the download from google search or other search engine, the version of the dll file is not confirmed to be suitable version for this program.
Here is the usable macdll.dll file.
And then paste macdll.dll file into this directory, C:/window/system32/
as shown below.

because ape album file usually come with cue file with it.
The output of cue splitter is still ape file, other music file tool needed for conversion to preferred music file.
If you found any other better splitter, please give me a comment. thank you.. ^^
Have fun...




国外 - 报馆自己设定标准/规章制度(不受政府控制,但不是完全自由,怎么都好也有自己的限制)
国内 - 政府,独一地给与全面控制(因为报馆的出版准证是政府部门发出,报纸内容经过“他们”同意才有可能成功的取得准证。)


再说,报纸区各了种族。在华文报有时让我们看到的是批评其他种族的不对或让我们带上了一幅看低别人的眼镜。之后,其他语文的报纸有以他们的看法来批评其他种族的不对, 让各族人民产生误会。至于报纸的新闻品质不但被政府影响,也被广告商的小限制影响,就好像任何关于广告商的不利新闻不能直接的挂上那公司的名字之类的事情。

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从小,男人就被训练成“没有情绪的生物”。 如果在外表现出“多余的”情绪,就会被贴上 软弱、不够男人 的标签。所以,为了生存,男孩们学会了忽视自己的感受,与情绪保持距离。久而久之,他们成为了一个习惯性忽略自己内心波动的群体。 不仅对自己的情绪缺乏关注,甚至对别人的情绪也难以共鸣。更...