2008年的联增华小(SRJK(C) Lanchang)

This is my primary school...
Name given that time was Sekolah Rendah Jenis Kebangsaan Cina Lanchang.

There were so much of my sweet memories here...
This is a great school, this is one and only primary school in Lanchang.

These photos was taken because I believe one day, they'll be very different one day after this.
Reconstruction would be required since those buildings were there for quite number of years.


MBTI 人格测试

最近通过启点文化认识了MBTI人格测试的工具。 原以为人类就是那么的无法预测,了解过MBTI之后才发现人类的性格老早被荣格在100年前的人格类型论给说明了。(MBTI并非荣格研发的,但是两者的概念有所相似) MBTI把人类分解为16种不同的人格类型。主要分为以下四个“倾向”: E...