2008年的联增华小(SRJK(C) Lanchang)

This is my primary school...
Name given that time was Sekolah Rendah Jenis Kebangsaan Cina Lanchang.

There were so much of my sweet memories here...
This is a great school, this is one and only primary school in Lanchang.

These photos was taken because I believe one day, they'll be very different one day after this.
Reconstruction would be required since those buildings were there for quite number of years.



从小,男人就被训练成“没有情绪的生物”。 如果在外表现出“多余的”情绪,就会被贴上 软弱、不够男人 的标签。所以,为了生存,男孩们学会了忽视自己的感受,与情绪保持距离。久而久之,他们成为了一个习惯性忽略自己内心波动的群体。 不仅对自己的情绪缺乏关注,甚至对别人的情绪也难以共鸣。更...