再见了…… 后胎


大部分文章都 undo 不回,好可惜。当时的我,再重写了好几次(因为同样的事情一再发生),结果撑不下去了,8点多倒下即睡在床上,一直到天亮。

2012年10月21日 - 星期天


快呀…快呀…… 内胎从轮胎里逃了出来,在我继续前进时卡住了我的轮辋,仿佛在告诉着我说“它已经不能在继续了”。

它与我共度大学时光 、与VV拍拖四处半流浪的日子 、校园的活动高峰期、  实习期、为旅行筹钱的打工日子、大学毕业、长途摩多之旅、在KL的4个月左右的工作期和连续不断的周末“探索”之旅,如今,它在华人电影展的马六甲摩多旅与我告终…





因为,经过这次的教训,我也别无选择,而且我认为…… 我已被“汤”了一笔。

“粗壮四轮驱动哥” - 在图里面的那部Hilux,是我提过的贵人(好心uncle)的车子
17号 - 新买的17型号扳手 (spanner),因为新买的,所以我为他取名为“17号”
被“汤水鱼” - 被有心人士用比平时更昂贵的价钱卖个消费者,可是消费者别无选择/无知市价下,进行该项买卖。



换钱嘛… $_$



喜欢任何形式的旅行的我,常常抱着一种怪念头,那就是 "工作旅行"…
你以为是"working holiday"吗?
不管是气够了、学够了、等够了、呆够了、爽够了、受够了… 还是赚够了,换!




吃,也可以变成我的旅行…… :) 

麻坡- 菜头糕
怡保- 杂果冰 (糖水街)


在这网际网络的世界,每一个国家的电台都可以从网上直接收听(tuneinGoogle Chrome plugin-radio),只要有网络,链接去全世界根本就不是问题。




Outward Bound in Lumut, with them

I just went to a company trip, a team building trip in Lumut, Perak.
It's a complete "back to nature" training I have ever experienced.
Together with the rules they set, which is no electronic device or any kind of attention distracting object is allow in order to "encourage" participants spending time communicate with each other.

I became very dark in merely 6 hours of sailing
So then the trip was a complete torture to me.
Spending days without gaming is alright with me, spending days without reading and writing,
is really a hard time to me. Every so often, I do reading or writing,
spending days without it caused me keep blaming the "compulsory" system made by my boss.

I passed the 4 days without choice, and left all my reading material and learning stuff behind. All I did was to "enjoy" the torment. Forced myself enjoy the torment by finding out the good from the bad part of this trip. No matter how much I try to escape, the final result would be the same, unless I quit or fall sick before the trip. And so, I took this trip as my "mind travelling trip" for myself, which it's a travel that absolutely away from the exhaustively informative world, to enjoy the other part of my "disconnected" mind.

West view of Outward Bound, Lumut
Outward Bound in Lumut has exists for 55 years in Malaysia.
Let's call this a tormenting trip instead of nicely named 'Team Building'.

I can't see much thing we'd done there, but the only main thing we do in the early four days trip were to prepare ourselves for sailing and the survival camping in forth day.

That's what made me upset on the first two days as I was just wasting my time, and thirst for leaving. What I thought was leaving...

At the sailing
Finally, the sailing day had come. That was the day I find myself feeling happier in the whole trip, I stop crying for leaving deep inside my heart.
I enjoy sailing completely without the help of gasoline powered engine with the great teamwork, and learning hard to adapt myself to the vile experience on sailing to our 6 hours or 20km++ distance to sail.

Lecture night before sailing
We first learned to study how the sea water flow, and what to do as wind direction and sea water flow keep changing all along the way. It depends on luck very much which it determines how comfort or bad is your sailing experience. 

For those who can't adapt to the vile situation in boat, with the help of waving effect caused by surge, I just can evaluate the effect with the highest rank of "most serious motion sickness I have ever had in my life"! It's so uncomfortable until I kept think about dying...

Everybody no longer spending anymore energy for any other unwanted motion, every single energy  count, as everybody had almost completely exhausted. Energy efficiently spent as the weather was very hot and dry.

As I remember, while we're sailing, everybody's given an apple each person, and that's the most juicy and delicious apple that ever made me so grateful about being able to eat one. That's our only "energy food" we had with us in the boat after sailing for a few hours.

Team members who couldn't stand the motion sickness was keep vomit seriously as the sea wave getting stronger in waving our boat. That's the very first time I've experienced motion sicknesses in my life, and I never think about trying another one again in future. I like adventure, this experience is considered as reaching one of what I am chasing for so far... The feeling of danger while I still can cope it!

The while we sail
Our instructor left us to control the whole sailing boat at the middle of the way, so we could learn to be independent from his command. And that's the time he tested how we teamed up to get something done!!

Finally, we've reached our campsite at 3pm. The rest of time would be busy time for campsite setting, cooking and enough firewood for whole night of burning.

Setting up tent
The cooking at the campsite
All ingredient and utensils were provided by Outward Bound, and the soft-shell clams were collected at the sea side. The only things left to do was to cook. 

Campfire to keep mosquito away
Evening time, it's time to take last few pictures before the night go really dark.
We younger group stand awake without sleeping for that night, we spent the night to chat, for some talking game, and sing part of us can no longer stand the sleepiness.

And so, the night just end that way until a tragedy happened...
I felt really pain in at my stomach, I failed to bear the pain, and I must do something... to dig a hole for the business. I was 5th person who queued for the emergency tragedy, and everyone who had eaten the dinner last night had the same problem, diarrhea caused by food poisoning. For 15 of us, we dug nearly 30 holes (one person twice) in the short morning from 4am to 7am, because there's no toilet at all, digging hole was the only way for those 'businesses'. That's a disgusting experience I expected not to be happened, it's really painful until you can't stand it for seconds.

Our departure time was previously planned at 7am, but boat sailing's biggest enemy, the rainstorm reach our campsite. Fortunately, the rainstorm last just around 30 mins, we rush every stuffs to the boat and depart as soon as possible as most of us didn't feel very well of the food poisoning. It's so bad, no photo available for that time, because rain was to heavy to risk my camera for any photo as my gears were all well packed to avoid rain.

Badge of Teamwork & Perseverance
After all, we reach Ourward Bound successfully and landed safe. That ended my enjoyable experience there. Our instructor, Azmin, award us a badge of best team he has ever trained so far, because did good teamwork and we could stand the hard part of the expedition with optimistic way.

With this diplomatic recognition, I would still say "No" to the same trip like this, but I'll enjoy it only if it's just a boat sailing activity. Because sailing is fun...
Sailing with the right team or right persons would be the best!

No second time please... unless you are the right person to sail with, otherwise, it'll eventually ends up with nothing after all. However, it's still a nice trip to learn how to sail and the knowledge of the life at sea.

P/S: No matter how luxury or how tough is it, right persons are the most important element in the whole story, that is the only element determine how you enjoy every moment you being with them!

Finally, best part of this activity:
- You learn how to "survive" without any kind of electronic devices to entertain you and for you to kill time. All you got is to have fun(talk) with your teammates.
No reading material, no music/movie player, no game, no writing, no reading... All you left is a mouth to talk, and how about the topic to be chat about?
It's fun if those teammates have same vision or interest as you do, else, you suffer a lot from being alone deep I your heart.
- To learn how to survive the life at the sea and island without electronic device.
- Test yourself by seeing how long can you stand without doing anything you like or want.

I met a man...
As this age of mine here in my country, who don't has a clear vision about their future. And so, this is the time we try to find out the answer of "what is the meaning of life?"...

The coach, Azman, I met here is the guy who gave me a different inspiration about "life".
He love nature very much until he chose to work as a coach that doesn't highly paid. He shared his life which even he's worked hard enough until he gets sick frequently, the fixed pay of less than RM2k a month, was just barely enough for daily expenses, and no extra money left for anything else.

Though the pay is low, but working as a "nature life" trainer, it is what he really wanted, he said, he is doing it and enjoying it now.
So what? It's his dream, he trains people(mostly people grown in the city) the way to live in an old-fashioned way. He can live by the sea, the knowledge to survive in the sailboat, mountain and forest. It's the life he desired, and he loves it.

Yeah, he knows how he can makes his life meaningful... and not to blame...
Yes, true, he clearly know what he really want for his life.
At the same time, I am still struggling and looking for a meaningful life while I am already 24, how long do I left for this "searching" state...?


从小,男人就被训练成“没有情绪的生物”。 如果在外表现出“多余的”情绪,就会被贴上 软弱、不够男人 的标签。所以,为了生存,男孩们学会了忽视自己的感受,与情绪保持距离。久而久之,他们成为了一个习惯性忽略自己内心波动的群体。 不仅对自己的情绪缺乏关注,甚至对别人的情绪也难以共鸣。更...