Leaders' ego...

In Malaysia, some of the leaders don't like to hear negative comment like what can be seen from the teen age leaders around us nowadays.

Once there is a person or some portion of community try to give advices/comments, which might oppose to what the leaders think or plan to do, these advices/comments givers would then easily be categorized as "wild opposers".

What usually happens next, these "oppossers" would be isolated from community. The community follow and do the same isolation to the "oppossers". This happens because the community afraid of being categorized as these wild man in the same way.

What we can see from scenario above is that, the problem originates from the leader's ego. Those ego makes him/her become aggressive(Ego Defense Mechanism) when comes to criticism, the worse ego might cause him/her think that his/her idea is the best of all.

If those teen age leader is not welly taught in the teen age stage, these leaders would become like what we can easily seen in Malaysia nowadays. When it comes to large community management, the reaction and reflection to opposition's action is far more complex, which comprises more unseen element and benefit contention.

Ego Defense Mechanism:
Reaction Formation
A defense mechanism where unacceptable impulses are converted to their opposite.


MBTI 人格测试

最近通过启点文化认识了MBTI人格测试的工具。 原以为人类就是那么的无法预测,了解过MBTI之后才发现人类的性格老早被荣格在100年前的人格类型论给说明了。(MBTI并非荣格研发的,但是两者的概念有所相似) MBTI把人类分解为16种不同的人格类型。主要分为以下四个“倾向”: E...