PT - 4th Day

Today would be a simple day for us if compared to 1st three days from the start of our practical training, because we did almost nothing for the whole day long in the office...

Today's story started when we reached office at 9.10am, but the company is still closed of the door key owner was not around to open the company door for anyone of us to get into it.
We wait until we finally got into office at 10am, and wait until 12pm. What I and LJH did from the start at 10am until 1.40pm was just going online, internet surfing and categorizing of contact number and location of the listing user in "". It's what they called "free listing".
We took our rest from 1.40pm to 2.40pm and then we went back to UTM secretly and met our Practical Training supervisor, Dr Subariah to discuss about current situation in our unfortunate Practical Training. We all were so happy of meeting Dr Subariah since we had no chance of escaping and back to UTM the meeting with supervisor in the previous three days.

Before we left, she told us that she isn't the one who can make decision of practical training for our situation, so she has to meet PT AJK for further information/decision.
Her sentence make me feel like I am getting farther away from what I hope for these few days, however, I am still looking forward my hope to come true.

I went back to office at 2.40pm after the discussion and continue the categorizing work until 6pm, our working time end at 6pm for today.


MBTI 人格测试

最近通过启点文化认识了MBTI人格测试的工具。 原以为人类就是那么的无法预测,了解过MBTI之后才发现人类的性格老早被荣格在100年前的人格类型论给说明了。(MBTI并非荣格研发的,但是两者的概念有所相似) MBTI把人类分解为16种不同的人格类型。主要分为以下四个“倾向”: E...