M'sia's Telco Next Move

Mobile phone user nowadays, internet "always on" is the most important part of their daily activity.
Talk time credit is no longer a main feature mobile phone user looking for most nowadays. In the old days, the main function of mobile phone was the Short Message Service, SMS. It's cheap and every text is accurate enough to be stored for long-term uses. At the mean time, the phone call feature, was the next main feature of most phone user, but it does make any different between different kind of phone model.

Selling data plan together with those attractive mobile device and a contract period as a business strategy is an alternative to get businesses from consumers, but how do you win enormously while everyone else is also using the same business plan?

In this era, users depend a lot on the internet connection, mobile users can send text message, voice calling and even video conferencing between multiple devices with mobile device while they are on the internet. Furthermore daily activities like internet web browsing, reading news, get connected to friend every minute and ton of other time killing activities are all about internet connection.

In short, internet connection has been a very first MAIN consideration when consumer is choosing a mobile network service plan indeed. Most (or maybe ALL) mobile users are no longer talk about MMS (Multimedia Message), seldom for SMS, and even less for 3G video call.

Today Today's Struggles
Whatsapp, Line, KakaoTalkSMS
Whatsapp, Line, KakaoTalkMMS(30sen per MMS)?
ViberPhone Call
Internet BrowsingWAP browsing(10KB/5sen)?
Social Media(FB,G+)Push To Talk?
Photo/File Sharing,Email???
And much more to be mentioned...

And so, what is the best thing to consider now as an alternative instead of keep changing the talk time price every now and then which doesn't help to attract more business?

Another clear view of this suggestion:
if, Plan A - a lowered talk time credit price, data service charge is high
if, Plan B - a lowered data plan price, talk time charge is high
Which plan would you choose to spend your money if both package come with same amount of money?

In my opinion, Malaysia telco should do something to provide wider internet service feature in order to hail a remarkable win in this competitive telco market.



有时候,给自己一点喘息的空间,比一味咬牙硬撑更加健康。 当生活的压力让人动弹不了,可是地板上还散满了玩具, 在这时勉强自己在满腹情绪下去清理,只会让负面能量扩散到整个家。 我们究竟看重什么? 我们希望孩子从我们的内心挣扎中接收到怎样的讯息? 让客厅暂时凌乱不是什么大问题。 先停下...